Adobe Target Reviews 2021: Best AB Testing and Split Testing Tool

Adobe Target is a leading AB testing and split testing tool that empowers businesses to enhance their website's performance and drive conversions. With its robust features, user-friendly interface, and competitive pricing, Adobe Target is the go-to solution for businesses looking to optimize their online presence.

  • Robust AB Testing and Split Testing capabilities
  • Advanced multivariate testing (MVT) functionality
  • User-friendly WYSIWYG page editor

Adobe Target Screenshot


Adobe Target offers competitive pricing plans tailored to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes. The pricing structure is transparent and flexible, making it a cost-effective solution for optimizing your website's performance.


Users are raving about Adobe Target's comprehensive features and intuitive interface. With its powerful testing capabilities and reliable performance, it's no surprise that many businesses are turning to Adobe Target for their optimization needs.


Adobe Target provides a wide range of features designed to enhance your AB testing and split testing strategies. From A/B/n testing to multivariate testing, Adobe Target offers everything you need to take your website optimization to the next level.