Active Inbox Review: Boost Your Email Productivity with AI Assistance

Active Inbox is an AI-assisted email organization and task management tool designed to boost productivity, streamline communication, and ensure important emails and tasks are never overlooked.

Trusted by top companies since 2006, Active Inbox combines elegant software with proven psychology to help users absorb life's shocks and become truly effective in email management.

  • Turn Gmail into a task manager to never forget an important email
  • Effortlessly stay on top of email and never miss a task
  • AI assistant for personalized strategy to boost productivity

Active Inbox Screenshot


Active Inbox offers a personalized strategy to boost your productivity. Its AI assistant instantly creates a customized guide for effective Gmail usage in 2023, helping you to streamline your email management and task tracking.


Users have shared how Active Inbox has positively impacted their work efficiency, making it easier to sort through emails, never lose track of important tasks, and elevate professionalism in email communication.


Active Inbox serves as an effortless email client and task manager, built upon the beloved Getting Things Done (GTD) workflow. It helps users focus, move fast, and break down tasks into manageable chunks, ultimately simplifying email organization and task management.


Active Inbox's functionality extends to gentle reminders, tracking every email to completion, and providing due date reminders to ensure tasks are met. The tool aids in focus, organization, and simplifying life by acting as one central hub for managing emails and tasks.


With Active Inbox, users can expect to achieve improved email productivity, enhanced task management, and a more streamlined workflow, ultimately leading to better time management and increased efficiency in professional communication.